Outdooractive AG
Missener Str. 1887509 Immenstadt
Outdooractive is available for questions and inquiries regarding the company under the above-mentioned contact details.
Do you have questions about operating our portals or apps? Have you noticed a map error? Or do you want to report problems and make suggestions?
Click here to get to your Help Center.
Please take into consideration that ...
- our support does not offer a help hotline.
- support inquiries cannot be processed via Please send those to our Help Center or write an email to
Outdooractive is an online platform that provides the opportunity to create and publish touristic content such as tour suggestions including routes and turn-by-turn-directions. The Outdooractive App assists in planning and – tours as well provide navigation.
- We do not provide a service to directly book tours, hotels or similar reservations. We are not a travel agency.
- Our staff does not guide or lead tours.
- We do not provide customer support service for GPS devices or other hardware. If you need help please contact the respective manufacturer.
Thanks for visiting us online!
Your Outdooractive Team